I have written a fairytale to empower women
Once Upon A Time
Mother Nature discovered that she had the power to create. She first created WOMEN. Women were happy and peaceful among the flowers and trees, sunshine, and showers that Mother Nature gave them. One day, something strange happened. A MAN was created. All of a sudden there were loud noises, thunder, and lightning, clouds and wind. This made the women afraid. Mother Nature knew she had to do something. She decided to turn all of the men into seeds and taught the women to plant the seeds into the fertile earth. In time, the seeds grew to be beautiful flowers, plants, and trees. Eventually, the women became such good gardeners, that any time the plants grew too big or wild they would simply prune them back to size. This made the women feel happy and peaceful again. And to this day they live happily ever after.
The End
Archival Digital Prints-Edition of 10-19.5”x 16”
$950. ea.